3 steps to managing difficult feelings and sensations

It’s commonly said that you should “feel your feelings”. Sometimes, feelings are just too much, and they can be overwhelming! This is an exercise I love to use with clients to help them feel those feelings - just a little bit - before moving on to other sensations. This little exercise can help you weather emotional turbulence or discomfort by reminding you that the feeling is there, but you don’t have to dive into it head first, nor do you have to try and change it or avoid it. You can feel it, and then move on to safety, getting out of the “tunnel vision” pain creates. The three basic steps are:

  1. Feel the difficult emotion or sensation. Notice where it lives in your body, if it has a shape, texture, color. Name it. You don’t have to change the feeling in any way or make it go away. You’re just accepting it’s there even though you don’t love it.

  2. Bring your attention to the rest of your body. Notice neutral places in your body, or places that feel good. Move your body, and notice how you have control over it.

  3. Bring your attention to the world around you. Notice and name things you can see, hear, smell, touch.

And repeat! You can do this as many or as few times as you like to help you ground and get through difficult emotions or sensations.

If any of this doesn’t feel good to you, or you find it overwhelming, please don’t do it! Listen to your body.

This exercise comes from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Russ Harris.

High Five Design Co

High Five Design Co. by Emily Whitish is a design and digital marketing company in Seattle, WA. I specialize in Website Templates for therapists, counselors, and coaches.


How mindfulness can help. Hint: It’s not about trying really hard.


How to “feel your feelings” safely